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Visiting PhD Scholar Marie-Gabrielle Verbergt looks back at four weeks in Leiden

Between the 21st of February and 18th of March 2022, Marie-Gabrielle Verbergt (Ghent University) spent four weeks as a visiting PhD scholar with the “Scholarly Vices – A Longue Durée History” team at the Institute for History in Leiden. Her own dissertation project deals with the history of European-level funding for historical research between the 1970s and today (expected defense in November 2023). Among other cases, Marie-Gabrielle looks at the… Read More »Visiting PhD Scholar Marie-Gabrielle Verbergt looks back at four weeks in Leiden

Gerda Henkel Fellowship awarded to Anne Por

Project member Anne Por has been awarded the Gerda Henkel Fellowship for the History of Knowledge and History of Science. The fellowship will allow for three months of research as part of the IZEA (Interdisziplinäres Zentrum für die Erforschung der Europäischen Aufklärung) at the University of Halle. Anne will start her research on sequential learning ideologies and practices, using among others the university archives, in June.

Book chapter on the history of “humility”

In December, Anne Por and Herman Paul published a chapter titled ‘Humility and Modesty in the Early Modern German University: Student Instruction at Halle around 1700’ in the volume Representations of Humility and the Humble (edited by Silvia Negri). The abstract of their chapter reads as follows: “Humility and modesty meant different things to hodegetics teachers like August Hermann Francke and Christian Thomasius. Their different conceptions of humility and modesty corresponded to different views… Read More »Book chapter on the history of “humility”

one black chess piece separated from red pawn chess pieces

What Makes a Philosopher Good or Bad?

On November 26th, our project member Sjang ten Hagen presented his historical research on virtues and vices during the two-day conference “What Makes a Philosopher Good or Bad?: Intellectual Virtues and Vices in the History of Philosophy?.” The conference was organized by Lukas Verburgt and included Quassim Cassam, Adeshina Afolayan, Michael Beaney, and Lisa Shapiro as keynote speakers (see below for the entire programme). The aim of the conference was… Read More »What Makes a Philosopher Good or Bad?

The History of Academic Work Pressure

Scholarly virtues and vices figured prominently in a symposium on the history of academic work pressure, held in Leiden on October 8, 2021. A Dutch-language report on the symposium can be found here and here. Interviews with the organizers, Dirk van Miert and Herman Paul, appeared in Historisch Nieuwsblad and Mare.

Will Climate Change Fuel Changes for Geology Departments?

by Dr Andrew Hopkins, Honorary Research Associate, Department of Science and Technology Studies, University College London In May 2021 the International Energy Agency (IEA) announced that transitioning to net zero carbon by 2050 would mean no new oil or gas fields could be developed.[1] Not only did this put the oil industry’s future firmly in the spotlight, the warning also posed searching questions for many geology and engineering departments at… Read More »Will Climate Change Fuel Changes for Geology Departments?

Inaugural address

On June 28, Herman Paul held his inaugural address as Professor of the History of the Humanities at Leiden University. In the address, titled “Kritisch denken: over het ethos van de geesteswetenschappen”, the case of “critical thinking” was used to illustrate what a longue durée, comparative history of the humanities might look like – and what we can learn from such historical projects. The address, in Dutch, can be read below.

Article: ‘Wanneer wetenschappers elkaar wantrouwen’

Project members Edurne De Wilde, Anne Por and Hidde Slotboom recently wrote an article for the magazine Wonderkamer. In the article, titled ‘Wanneer wetenschappers elkaar wantrouwen’, the authors investigate how and why scholars distrust each other – a tendency in science that has a long history. They trace such distrust back to the seventeenth century and distinguish different appearances of this vice. Wonderkamer is a magazine about the history of… Read More »Article: ‘Wanneer wetenschappers elkaar wantrouwen’

Mededogen, geen medelijden

by Kristien Hens, professor of ethics at the Universiteit Antwerpen, currently leading the ERC project NeuroEpigenEthics Laat mij beginnen met een op het eerste gezicht  banale praktische kwestie. Mogen studenten tijdens examens naar het toilet gaan, en onder welke voorwaarden dan wel? Vaak zijn hier strikte voorwaarden voor. Het mag, maar bijvoorbeeld pas als er een bepaalde tijd is verstreken, er moet altijd iemand van de surveillanten mee etc. Soms… Read More »Mededogen, geen medelijden


by Jeroen de Ridder, associate professor of Epistemology and Metaphysics at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam Op 10 april 2019 om 15.00u ’s middags toonde de Nijmeegse sterrenkundige Heino Falcke vanuit het hoofdkwartier van de European Research Council de wereld de eerste foto van een zwart gat. Falcke was op dat moment voorzitter van de wetenschappelijke raad van de Event Horizon Telescope, een grootschalig samenwerkingsverband van sterrenkundigen waarin ze radiotelescopen over… Read More »Groepsdeugden